The Significance of Augmented Translation in Digital Transformation Era

In the translation industry, augmented translation has become a solution that offers a scalable service that can be applied in larger areas than before. The progress that shows the adaptation of digital transformation in the translation area should get our appreciation. The change found in that industry should promise a more effective solution for global business players to excel in their targets and values. 

What is Augmented Translation?

Translation technology has transformed multiple times since it applied advanced techniques other than pencil and dictionary. The transformation just started a couple of years ago when we familiarized ourselves with the use of translation memory, term database, and machine translation. The augmented translation also called Common Sense Advisory is one level above them. It creates a working environment that allows a linguist to make short cut for external resourcing, term discovery, context searching, and using external machine translation. This new digital platform has everything in it which will provide a linguist with reliable advice to choose the best result of translation when working with it.

The new era of the translation industry with the augmented tool allows linguists to rely on only one automated tool than before. This will bring a great change in translation and localization service which will reduce the significant number of human labor needed to handle the same volume of tasks. This means that augmented translation can provide a more efficient service with on par quality assurance compared with the older translation service could give.

The Future of Localization

The digital transformation in the translation area has pushed many business players to march forward since it is far more cost-effective that even a small business can afford an effective and reliable localization service. The presence of augmented translation has a significant effect that will be a game-changer in the translation industry. With such a technology, a linguist can provide more accurate and contextual translation results with a shorter project completion time.

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