What is Glocalization Era and Its Impact on Language Service Industry

The social movement which triggered the birth of globalization in the early 21st century has created a picturesque world without borders. The core of this campaign is to intensify global networking and relationship that will improve social activity without considering the language and existing social structure as barriers. This concept is growing fast with the massive enhancement in communication and information distribution. The development of reliable and accessible Internet connection has made this even more applicable in every area of social activities.

In the following decades since this concept appeared, the global society has been more aware of the economic behavior that sees the more chance to grow better in greater social networks. This also created a borderless global framework in which every party could participate in the occurring competition of space, commodity, and capital. While this condition also increased a salient tendency for centralization of power that threatens the existing geography and heterogeneity, a sociologist Roland Robertson coined a term for glocalization which linguistically consist of two term globalization and localization. This concept entails an interconnected and subtle global interaction without letting off local cultures and heritages.

How glocalization affecting Language service Industry?

Glocalization is the movement that challenges the previous globalization campaign that threat localized existences and is often associated with the neocolonialism movement. In the glocalization, the territorial expansion process is set in line with the increase of local saliency. This is a more balancing context that includes centralization and decentralization as a process of interconnectedness.

In the business and marketing area, the concept of glocalization has changed the mindset of distributing goods. There is less tendency for global exposure to the local and sub-local society which can disperse the existing social value held by the society of a certain territory. Therefore, there are two contexts of glocalization process which involve the development of global products or goods and the next is a process for local adaptation. This idea is believed to have been derived from Japanese global marketing strategy which can penetrate any social territory.

For the language service industry, glocalization has created a vast area to explore as it provides a business opportunity on a greater and deeper scale. The mindset of this approach should make every entity including businesses and institutions aware of the significance of localization after global distribution.

Since there are about +6000 more living languages including more than a hundred top languages spoken worldwide, the demand for localization is increasing especially in the top ten major language pairs. Considering the demand, translation and localization services should consider expanding their size to grasp the opportunity which increase is in line with the economic expansion and development.

source : britannica

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