Digitalization in corporations and industries operation had been introduced since the third era of industry, Industry 3.0, when the advanced computer system was optimized to replace many analog processes in every operation line. The revolution provided excellent data record, calculation, real-time remote communication, and information brought the era progress so quickly compared to the previous industrial revolutions. However, before digital innovation becomes familiar, many fields of industries were still unable to implement the third revolution optimally and stuck on the existing analog model for certain reasons.
In the fourth industrial revolution, the use of digital innovation is not optimized and only applied for operations in the internal and domestic sector, as it employs the advancement of technology that allows industries and companies to swift into a more interconnection process where information is used to administer a more automated process. The automation is even implemented in the technical process which is integrated with the digitalized platform so human is only in charge of the decision-making and problem-solving of a complex production process.
Implementations of Digital Pivots in Corporates and Industries
The implementation of digital innovation in the industrial and service sector has given a prominent benefit which can also increase efficiency and service. In the industrial and manufacturing sector, for instance, the digitalizing approach can enable the use of sensors that make AI take the automatic control and maintain the process. The digital measurement can recognize even the smallest deviation which will allow a smoother and better process. This is considered more efficient in ensuring service and production quality. This type of innovation will also allow the increase of revenue while it can provide a larger cutting-cost portion than the analog process.
The application of digital innovation in the production and service sectors also enables the improvement in customers’ satisfaction. The higher customer satisfaction is the result of mostly better service and quality and also for the better customer experience from the digital customer platform. The enhanced functionality that is simply accessible from the phone has improved satisfaction as the customer can feel a closer and faster response. There are many examples of transformation in the manufacturing and retailing sector that provide customers with online platforms on which they can engage directly. This is not only giving the control in hand but also building better reliance and connection between the companies and customers.
While the production sector and customer service sector can be easily handled by the digital platforms, the vital sector like management and resources can also take the benefit with better workers’ engagement. The implementation for providing higher human resource management is giving a positive impact in the mature and larger scale of the corporation since it is more feasible handled by a fewer number of managements. For instance, the training and upskilling are now possible to be implemented continuously without adding a larger portion of costs since the process is taking on cloud process. It is even more effective to create such a greater workspace with a thousand employees at the same time. The remote process can also handle the remote employees and freelancers with a meantime record of progress.
Not only for the above sector, digital innovation has also shown its benefits in the financial sectors. The revenue increase is even more calculatable with a simpler function so the higher management can provide direct measurement and take a positive decision using all available data given in an understandable report.
Considering those benefits, it seems a necessity for any company to implement digital innovation into every aspect and field of its business. Including the translation industry, digital innovation can create reliable and cross-border services for anyone who needs language services in a faster time process.