Category: Language

Category: Language

Recognizing Some Challenges in Korean-English Translation

The cultural and linguistic differences really create some obstacles in Korean translation. Nevertheless, considering an extra effort for research might be helpful for any new translators who are dealing with a difficult language like Korean.


The interpreter job is one notable occupation often provided by a language service agency or an individual whose duty is to give spoken language assistance on various occasions and activities for those who get the difficulty from the language barrier. The interpreter is required to give an accurate explanation without adding or omitting information as

Bali cultural heritage

Balinese Lontar Manuscripts – Preserved Intellectual Heritage and Tradition of Bali Civilization

Lontar or palm leaf manuscripts are important cultural artifact which prove Balinese intellectual in preserving life lesson and philosophies. This literature was written in Sanskrit using traditional Bali script. The tradition of writing in lontar has been passed from generation to generation that formed a cultural identity making Balinese different from any other societies in